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Events in the Parks in 2018

Constructing our
luxurious bug hotel
15th December 
Bulb planting 27th October
Raking the wildflower meadow 18th August
Picnic in the Park Saturday 23rd June

Great Picnic in the park. Community dancers and live music were exceptional and kids enjoyed every minute. They all loved their Bari Bear tees nearly as much as the ice cream! 

Open Gardens Saturday 2nd June 

Our 3rd annual Open Gardens in aid of the Parks was held on Saturday 2nd June. and we were blessed with a warm dry day with only a light breeze.
As a consequence we had a record number of people visiting 12 lovely and varied gardens, including 5 Castle Terrace pictured below.

The sculpture trail was officially unveiled
by Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP on 20th April
  • Anne-Marie Trevelyan officially unveiled the Sculpture Trail on Friday 20th April and pictures can be seen here

  • Bari the Berwick Bear was installed in Castle Vale Park on 24th March; pictures are here with more to follow

  • The second four sculptures were installed in Coronation Park on 24th February, as shown above, and more pictures can be seen here

  • The first four were installed on 17th December; pictures can be seen here

The sculptures were installed with help from Berwick Army Cadets and Friends of Castle Parks.
They were created by David Gross and funded by

SUEZ, NCC, Berwick Town Council and the McDonald family.




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